Prep'd Picks will be posted tomorrow. I'm going to take today to discuss a few things.

I've been a fashion blogger since 2009. While I have loved most every minute of it there do come times when  I get a bit burnt out, sort of how I've been feeling lately (this is mostly due to work demands, though).

It's gotten worse as I've moved into solely focusing on plus sizes. I know many of you have this same complaint, but it feels like season after season I'm seeing the same thing.

Take for example this pretty lace dress:
I know this dress--or a version of it--has made its way into more than one or two Prep'd Picks. It's a super pretty dress and I do love it. This particular dress is from Nordstrom, who currently has it available in fall colors. I know come October I will be able to buy it winter colors. Next spring I should be able to pick it up in a sunny lemon yellow or maybe coral. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the lack of selection in plus sizes is really starting to get to me. Truthfully, there's more choice than ever when it comes to plus sizes but at the same time it feels like the same thing, just in a new color.

Every new hyped clothing line is just a copy of what's already on the market. Why, new clothing line, should I buy your jersey maxi skirt and ponte blazer when it's already offered at a dozen other stores for a similar price?

I've been dissatisfied with my wardrobe as of late. I need to replace a decent chunk, as a lot of it was purchased around 2012-2013 and I've worn everything to the point beyond repair.  On top of that, I've been wearing a ton of neutrals. As much as I love color, wearing neutrals has been a lot easier for me than trying to coordinate outfits. This is especially true when I have to jump out of bed to go cover pipeline explosions where the only directions are "look for the glowing fireball in the sky." True story. One part of me is saying "buy ALL the neutrals!" and the other part is is all about these plaid pants.

I'd also like to address a few reader questions that I really haven't able to answer in other posts:

A lot of people have been asking about Lilly-A-Likes, probably the most popular part of the blog. Firstly, there's been a lack of items that I'd deem worthy of being a LAL. There few things I've found I've just been putting in Prep'd Picks. On this topic, Lilly Pulitzer is suing Old Navy for copying their prints. This is the pair I featured earlier this summer with the beachy print and a Fourth of July-inspired print. I remember the first time I saw the beachy print shorts and thought to myself "Holy s#!t that's a deadringer for High Tide Toile."

Speaking of burnt out and Lilly, I'm burnt out on Lilly Pulitzer. Me, who loves color and fanciful patterns so much, is really just not into them right now. I keep going over their new arrivals and can hardly muster up a "meh." I totally think my current attitude about Lilly comes from the Target debacle three months ago (read about that here). It's not really the brand's fault, but I think I gave that experience too much attention.

Another question I get is how much money I make off this blog. Last year I made right under $300. 30% of that went towards taxes, $100 went towards domain renewals, hosting, and the designer I hired to fix a major code screw-up. The rest was used to help replace my laptop which died last October. This year I've already made another $300 with most going towards taxes and the rest being saved. At some point I'd like to hire a professional designer and have something professional made, and not just mess around with free templates I get online.

Looking out, I think the rest of the year looks interesting for fashion. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons (no or low sweat!) and a few of the collections that have already come out are nailing it. Old Navy's collegiate-inspired looks are fantastic and I want it all. Even just quick glances at Lands' End and Lord & Taylor are promising.

If you have anything you'd like to see, features that you might enjoy, etc., please leave me a comment below or shoot me an email ker [at] and let me know.