Melissa McCarthy Seven7 has released information on the debut of Melissa McCarthy's clothing line, named Melissa McCarthy Seven7. Making a soft debut on August 13th on HSN with the official launch on September 1st, the line features clothes in sizes 4 to 28. Price points will be under $150, as McCarthy says “The fun of it is you should be able to put these things together and not have to make a choice about going out to dinner or getting the sweater. Wear the sweater to dinner." 

First looks at Melissa McCarthy Seven7:
Melissa McCarthy Seven7

Melissa McCarthy Seven7

First Thoughts:

On a scale of 1 to overnighting my AMEX to Melissa herself, I rate what I'm seeing as a solid seven. The collection isn't anything I haven't seen before--it looks a bit Lane Bryant-ish--but it looks much better than what I have seen. In the first picture, I like the graffiti print pants on the model standing next to Melissa and I really love the large print pants on the far right. On the bottom picture, the jeans and light blue shirt are wonderful. I think I've found my new fall uniform. I also love the top Melissa is wearing. The plaid midi skirt is nice as well, although I'd pair it with a different shirt. 

I must also say that the look Melissa is wearing in the top photo is superb. Melissa looks fantastic!

This line appears to be a lot more than just a vanity project for McCarthy. Even though I've seen similar items, the pictures show better detailing and hopefully quality than what's already out on the market. Hopefully this is the case, but we're going to have wait a few more weeks to find out.