Plus Size Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale
Can you please forgive me? I just found out this morning that the Lilly Pulitzer After Party sale is TODAY starting at 8:00 a.m., EST.

This time, though, things are different. It looks like the staffers in the Pink Palace learned from the Target for Lilly mess and they've shaken things up. In the past, you'd be advised to check out as you put something in your basket. Not this time.

Starting at 8:00 a.m., everyone will be given a place in line. Only so many at a time will be allowed on the website. This is to keep the site from pulling the site's downtime to a minimum. When you're allowed onto the sale site, make sure everything you want is in your basket. Once you check out, you go to the back of the line. Don't forget: items placed in your basket are not reserved!

I said I was going to skip this sale, but I just update my card information...