Maybe two-ish years ago, the clothing retailer The Limited launched a plus size line called Eloquii. It didn't do well, mostly due to a complete lack of advertising and marketing. I bought a few pieces from the line at the time and have loved them. Eloquii closed in the summer of 2013 but the trademark was purchased by a crew that worked on the line when it was owned by The Limited. 
Eloquii relaunched earlier this year so I thought I'd let the kinks get ironed out before writing a review.

If I were to describe the woman to whom Eloquii is aiming at, I'd say she's in her late twenties, works as a graphic designer in Los Angeles, rents a house with her boyfriend, has a Yorkie, and shops for housewares at Anthropologie. Not quite our tribe, as my grandmother would say. As this blog focuses on the preppy aesthetic, I'd say pickings were slim. Pickins' were damn slim. There's lots of crop tops and bodycon (body conscious) dresses. Lots and lots and lots of black. To be fair, there is a good deal of navy and colorful pieces but the style leaves a lot to be desired.

I hate to knock anyone whom is willing to produce a plus size line but I'm getting tired of everything being too trendy. I need office appropriate clothes, not club clothes. And no honey, you can't just add a blazer or cardigan to a bodycon dress. As a former manager, I used to send people home to change if they thought they could "just throw a blazer over it." Further more, not everything needs to be studded, have a hood, or be bedazzled within an inch of its life. Eloquii strikes me as a brand whom is going to concentrate on trendy, when similar items can be had for much cheaper through Deb, ASOS, or H&M. 

I'm not going to write off Eloquii just yet. From the reviews I've read, the quality is good and there are a few pieces I do like. However, I'm not going to make it a point to open my pocketbook whenever I visit the site. My AMEX can sleep soundly tonight.