A few weeks ago I had mentioned I was interested in going back to college. Yesterday I went to visit Fairmont State University, in Fairmont, West Virginia. I'm from the southern part of the Mountain State so all I knew about Fairmont St. was that it was one of the I-79 exits that signaled one was getting close to Morgantown (home of WVU). I'm also sure at one point I may have made a few jokes at Fairmont's expense while I attended WVU Tech (the joke being due to Fairmont's close proximity to WVU that whomever couldn't get into WVU went to Fairmont so they could still party at WVU).  

I'd like to take a moment to apologize to Fairmont State. While it's not the most architecturally-interesting campus the landscaping can't be beat. There were flowers blooming just everywhere and the campus is very well-maintained. It's also a very contained campus, you can leave your dorm room to get to the furthest building on campus without having to walk too far. As a chronic oversleeper I appreciate this feature. And yes, I am considering living on campus. I turn 30 in October and to be honest, it doesn't bother me horribly--yet. There are apartments and dormitories aimed at older students such as myself and the housing staff did assure me they wouldn't place me with an 18 year old who wanders in drunk every evening. Since I'm doing all of this at the last minute, I'm not in the mood to deal with trying to hunt down an apartment and all that entails. Also, I got rid of a majority of my furniture earlier this year when I was still planning on buying a house. With the dorms I don't have to worry about paying for utilities or groceries, I can just head over to the cafeteria.

As a non-traditional student, I am lucky in the fact I have the luxury of being able to go to school full time. I've always been active in school activities and I hope to be able to continue. The following is a bit of a conversation that I had with my one of my sorority sisters over the weekend:

Me: Fairmont has a DZ chapter! I'd totally be willing to go back active sister status.

Jeannette: That'd be nice, although do you think it would be weird to be a 32 year sorority girl? 

Me: Nah. It's not as if I'm going to be boozing it up on Daytona Beach with them come Spring Break.

Jeannette: Do you really miss having three hour meetings fighting over the color of the rush t-shirts?

Me: ...(expletive). You do have point there. I really am too old for that (expletive).

I may be rethinking the sorority thing, however I would like to be active with the chapter in some manner.

Anyways, it was very surreal to be back on a college campus, talking about dorms, the cost of books, and cafeteria food. Even though I have another two schools I'm considering I really think I'll be attending Fairmont State University this fall.

Tomorrow: Lilly-a-Likes!