Hi everyone! Sorry if you have felt like I've abandoned this blog. I've been working two jobs to save up money for the Kiki-Wants-to-Buy-a-House Fund. I was sadly let go by the part-time job which means house saving will take longer but truth be told, I won't be missing working seven days a week. It also means I'll have more time to update, which makes me happy because a lot of brands are really upping their plus size lines with some fantastic preppy looks.

In the meantime, here's a selection of things that have caught my eye. Not all of them are Lilly-A-Likes, but delightfully preppy. As always, enjoy!

PS: If you'd like to drop post ideas, new brands to check out, rant about JC Penney's weird plus size sizing, etc., just drop me a line at plussizepreppie [at] gmail.com!