I live in West Virginia, and if you haven't been watching the news there's been a chemical spill into Elk River contaminating the water supply to hundreds of thousands of people. They can't use the water in any way, they can't drink it, use it to cook, wash clothes or dishes, or even shower. Although I live close to Charleston I have a different water company so my water is safe.  I have had friends and family in popping in and out for the past two days doing laundry and taking showers. I work in downtown Charleston and my workplace has been shut down the past two days. It's entirely possible and likely I will miss a few more days next week. This is slightly frustrating as I haven't had a full paycheck since before the holidays.

If you want to know more about what's going on, here's an excellent video giving a rundown on what happened from the Charleston Daily Mail:


In blog news, thank you so much for all the kind words about the blog this week! I'm still ironing out a lot of kinks but I feel really good about the direction the blog is going in.  As you've probably noticed there's still a few finishing touches that need added to the page but they're in the final stages of being done. I'm also considering doing a survey to get a better feel for my audience (which is you). If you have any suggestions on posts or anything else you'd like to see, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at plussizepreppie@gmail.com. There's a lot I'm still unsure of--like how often do I want to post--so any feedback you have would be deeply appreciated.