Well, hello there!

I really don't know what else to put here, other than to say hi, and welcome to this blog.
I'm starting this blog because I like preppy style and I'm plus-sized. I've been reading a lot of preppy style blogs and none of them discuss plus sizes...in fact, they basically only talk about J.Crew now that I think about it. But anyways, I've seen some attempts at plus size preppy blogging but nothing that's really stuck around. I'm here to change that.

If you've ever googled "plus size preppy clothes" you can see that a lot of people are asking about them but nobody seems to have answers. I have some answers. Not all, but some. I figure that's better than nothing.

I also think that a lot of preppy fashion bloggers aren't very preppy. Here's why:
Monogrammed Bermuda bag: Fabulous!
Monogrammed floppy hat: Cute!
Monogrammed tumbler: Great for work!
Monogrammed bikini bottom: Why?

 I already have a running list of topics I want to talk about so I won't bore you too much with more small talk. Hope to see you back soon!

In the meantime, if you have any questions, suggestions, manifestos, etc., feel free to email them to me:
plussizepreppie [at] gmail.com